BTEC Specialist and Professional qualifications Remote Invigilation

BTEC Specialist and Professional Qualifications Remote Invigilation
Under normal circumstances invigilation of BTEC Specialist and Professional qualification tests must be conducted face-to-face within the centre or workplace. However, if this is not possible due to COVID 19 restrictions, you can request an exception to this rule and make use of video conferencing software.
As this is an interim solution, it will only be available to learners who cannot delay their assessments any further and require these assessments to progress onto the next stage of their learning. In addition, remote invigilation is not yet appropriate for all BTEC Specialist or Professional tests. It is currently unavailable for any Specialist or Professional qualifications that are linked to Licence to Practise, or where qualifications confirm competence in a high-risk role. Please contact the Customer Portal if you wish to discuss further.
To request this exceptional arrangement, you must contact us using the Invigilation Exemption Request Form.
Please ensure that you have received approval to run assessments in this way before starting any assessments.
Guidance for Centres
Find the information that you as a centre need to run these assessments remotely.
Guidance for Learners
Find the information that your learners need to run these assessments remotely.
Learner Exam Conditions Checklist
Find the checklist for your learners before they take their assessment.
Remote Invigilation Technical Guidance
Find our guidance on the technical requirements needed for running the assessment.
Remote Invigilation form for registering Learners
Complete this form for each individual learner in advance of their assessment.