December 2015 ePortfolio update | Pearson qualifications

December 2015 ePortfolio update

Fri Dec 11 12:00:00 UTC 2015

This month’s update includes the feedback on the use of ePortfolio from the recent market research carried out.

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Feedback on Market Research

Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the Electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) research in the summer. We wanted to know what you looked for in an Electronic Portfolio and for those of you that use our service what needed changing, improving and developing.

We were pleased to hear that our electronic portfolio was simple to use and provided you with the essential functionality required by learners and all those involved in assessment and internal verification, removing the need for a paper based portfolios.

We recognise that our Electronic Portfolio needs to see a degree of change – both in the way it functions and its look / feel - so your comments have been really valuable to help us prioritise the changes we need to make. This work will commence next year, however, before we do this we thought you would like to see the list of enhancements that we’re proposing are made in order to improve your experience

  • A general refresh of the electronic portfolio to bring it in line visually and functionally with other Pearson services.
  • Development of an off line service
  • Email and text alert service when activity has occurred by learners, Assessors or IVs
  • Improving the overall performance / response time(s)
  • Improving the way learners and assessors can view their progress through their qualifications and associated components

We have also been asked to look at the evidence file size which can be loaded onto the Electronic Portfolio which is currently 100MB per attachment

To ensure we meet our current and future customer needs we are going to form a user group to inform the changes we are going to make, this group will meet in the new year to scope out what the changes should look like so that our developers have a clear list of requirements.

If you would like to be part of this group or you have any other comments or would like more information about our ePortfolio, please contact us.



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