June 2016 work-based learning and colleges update | Pearson qualifications

June 2016 work-based learning and colleges update

Wed Jun 22 23:00:00 UTC 2016

This month's update includes information on identification checks, SIA Licence Application Service availability and a request for feedback on delivery time of the Security Licence Linked qualification.

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Request for feedback on the delivery time of the Security Licence Linked qualifications

As you may know, the QCF has recently been replaced by the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). One of the conditions of the RQF is for all qualifications to be assigned Total Qualification Time (TQT) and Guided Learning (GL).

TQT is the total amount of time it can be reasonably expected for a learner to take to achieve the qualification. It includes:

  • Guided Learning, where a learner is being taught by a tutor or is otherwise participating in training under the immediate guidance or supervision of a tutor. This includes assessment activity undertaken under the immediate guidance or supervision of a tutor/assessor.


  • an estimate of the number of hours a learner will reasonably be likely to spend in preparation, study or other form of participation in training, including assessment, that is not under the immediate guidance or supervision of a tutor.

Awarding organisations are now required to consult centres and gather information from them about how they deliver each unit within each qualification - how many hours are guided (contact time with tutor), and how many hours are spent by learners in directed study but not under the direct supervision of the tutor.

If your centre is offering our security qualifications, we'd be grateful if you could complete the form below and return it to ria.staples@pearson.com by 6 July 2016.


Many thanks in advance for your co-operation.

Reminder about identification checks 

We would like to remind centres of the need to make a record of the identification documents that learners provide both when they enrol at your centre and when they sit tests.

You can photocopy the documents, but it is not a requirement. As a minimum you must record what types of ID documents have been provided by each learner and who has checked these.

You will need to keep these records for a minimum of 3 years for audit purposes.

The identification requirements when applying for a licence are outlined by the Security Industry Authority (SIA) and are available on the SIA website.

You should adhere to the same requirements when checking and recording the identity of your learners so that they are prepared when they come to apply for their licence.

You can find more information in the Security Centre Management Handbook, available on each qualification page.

SIA licence application service unavailable for 10 days

We'd like to draw your attention to this communication from the SIA explaining changes to their licence application service, including notice that the service will be unavailable for 10 days.


For more information about the changes to licensing, please visit the SIA website.


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