June 2016 work-based learning and colleges update | Pearson qualifications

June 2016 work-based learning and colleges update

22 June 2016

This month, we focus on the update to assessment requirements for the 'Plan, Implement and Review an Evidence-based Preventative Policing Approach' policing unit.

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Update to assessment requirements for the 'Plan, Implement and Review an Evidence-based Preventative Policing Approach' unit

The College of Policing has updated the assessment guidance for the 'Plan, Implement and Review an Evidence-based Preventative Policing Approach' unit within the Level 3 Diploma in Policing. The change has been implemented in recognition of the fact that forces may find it difficult to facilitate all learners implementing new initiatives during the course of the qualification.

As a result the unit aim assessment requirements for this unit are now as shown below. The specification will be updated to reflect this.

Unit Aim:

This unit is about applying an evidence-based preventative approach to policing which may often be complex and broad ranging. This should include applying the principles of evidence-based policing and problem solving / identification to a perceived concern, problem, issue or situation.

The learner must be able to gather information and intelligence, analyse that information and apply a proactive, preventative initiative to address an identified situation. The learner may draw on relevant practice relating to similar situations and draw on the work of others to propose initiatives to solve the perceived concern, issue or problem.

The learner should then go on to implement the initiative and collate the findings from the implementation.

Finally, learners are expected to evaluate the implementation of the initiative and where appropriate, share the findings with others.

Note: It is appreciated that the learner will not always be given the necessary authorisation to implement initiatives. Where they are not permitted to implement, learners should be able to describe how they would implement, collate findings, evaluate and share their findings with others.

This unit is not limited to any particular type of preventative initiative or intervention. It is expected that Officers will be able to evidence this unit in the normal course of their duties.

Assessment Requirements:

Knowledge element

Knowledge and understanding must be adequately demonstrated in a learning and development environment prior to application in the workplace.

Workplace Assessment:

Ideally the learner must have identified a problem / concern / issue / situation and applied an initiative to mitigate the risk of escalation, continuation or incidents occurring. Additionally the learner must follow up on the success or otherwise of the intervention and finally they should share their findings. This must be practically assessed on at least one occasion in the workplace.

Where the learner is not given authorisation to implement a mitigating initiative, they must describe how they would implement their planned intervention and detail how they would go about monitoring, analysing and sharing the results of their initiative.


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