Health and Social Care update - January 2022 | Pearson qualifications

Health and Social Care update - January 2022

Tue Jan 18 09:00:00 UTC 2022

An update on everything new within the Health and Social Care sector.

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Healthcare Standards  

COVID-19 has bought major challenges to the health and social care sector including staffing shortages, redeployment of staff and mental health challenges as a result of personal and professional experiences.  Despite this, where possible, apprentices have continued with scheduled EPAs, that are in-line with the requirements set out in the end-point assessment plan.  

With the inability for Independent End Point Assessors to enter health and social care settings, dispensations were put in place to allow remote End Point Assessment.  This meant that the observation component was replaced with a reflective statement followed up by a question-and-answer session with an independent end point assessor.  Initially, some apprentices were frustrated that they needed to complete an additional written piece of work and were not able to demonstrate their clinical practice, however, over time this has essentially become the norm. Close working between Pearson and Training Providers has ensured that Apprentices are appropriately prepared.  We have utilised a variety of remote platforms as required by different providers as a result of firewall restrictions. 

In the initial stages issues regarding access to remote assessment and utilisation of IT was more of a challenge.  However, over time individuals seemed to become more confident in the use of technology to complete End Point Assessment.  Despite on occasion, apprentices being very visibly anxious online for their remote assessment, assessors have taken time to provide assurance, ensure the apprentice is supported and able to perform to their maximum potential. 

The scheduling of End Point Assessments has been far easier with the removal of the need for assessors to travel to a locality.  This has meant that End Point Assessments have been carried out in a timely manner throughout. 

Remote invigilation has improved overtime with training providers now far more confident to complete this and less issues with the secure transfer of exam papers and the return of completed papers to Pearson. 

So, whilst challenges have been experienced particularly initially in terms of IT, apprentices have been able to be assessed at the point of readiness even where timescale has been affected by the pandemic. 

Health and Social Care | Qualification Updates

In May and June 2022, we will be replacing the following qualifications following Skills for Care consultation with the adult care sector. Skills for Care has reviewed and updated the content of both below qualifications. 

  •  Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care (England)  
  •  Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adult Care (England)  

The qualification criteria available for Awarding Organisations can be found on the Skills for Care website 

Pre publication specifications will be available from March 2022. 


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