Engineering update - March 2020 | Pearson qualifications

Engineering update - March 2020

Wed Mar 18 12:00:00 UTC 2020

An update from the Engineering and Manufacturing sector.

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SASE Transition to Engineering Standards

By now, you should all be prepared for the move from SASE Apprenticeship Frameworks to Apprenticeship Standards. To help you in this move we have produced three documents to assist.

Engineering SASE to Standards January 2020

The document below highlights the currently available engineering frameworks and our suggestion for an alternative engineering standard. Other standards may also suit your specific requirements, so please do look at the list of standards available for delivery. 
>Engineering SASE to Standards January 2020 (PDF 0.1 MB)

Engineering SASE to Standards Qualifications January 2020

The document below shows the existing SASE Frameworks in Engineering with the respective qualifications currently available from Pearson as well as our suggested engineering standard replacement and the available qualifications from Pearson for that standard. Please bear in mind if printing, that this document is A3 in size.
>Engineering SASE to Standards Qualifications January 2020(PDF 0.2 MB)

Engineering Apprenticeship Standards List

The document below is a list of all available Apprenticeship Standards which are available for delivery and the current Pearson offer for either on programme or EPA.
>Engineering Apprenticeship Standards List (PDF 0.2 MB)

Engineering & Manufacturing Apprenticeship Standards Route Review

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (the Institute) are in the process of collating the feedback from the initial consultation against 49 Engineering and Manufacturing Apprenticeship Standards.

Initial outcomes from this feedback are due later on in 2020, for more information, check the Engineering and Manufacturing Route Review page on


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