Engineering update - August 2022 | Pearson qualifications

Engineering update - August 2022

15 August 2022
An update on everything new from the Engineering and Manufacturing sector.
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Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Qualifications

Please note that we are working on updates to the AME qualification suite, which will incorporate changes required by industry, principally the apprenticeship standards as they are amended by the employer groups.

These proposed changes have evolved as we consult with industry and expert writers, and will affect the whole suite. Current changes as of August 2022 include:

  • Introduction of a new Machining route *Note this will form a new AME qualification due to the unique pathway requirements in machining.
  • Introduction of a Robotics Pathway
  • Update to General and Motorsports pathways to do with modern technologies in particular electrification and battery technology
  • Addition of popular units based on centre feedback, back into the general route such as 33 ‘Further Electrical Principles’
  • Amendments to Aerospace Engineering pathway units (to correct an error) and to ensure Avionics is represented within this route. 

BTEC National Engineering

Please note that the new specifications for first teaching in September 2022 are now live on the website. Please visit the BTEC National webpage and/or refer to the news article on the sector page, relating to this, for more detail.

DfE defunding appeals:

Pearson has submitted appeals against defunding (16-18 full time learners) for BTEC Nationals in Engineering and the Advanced Manufacturing Engineering suite. This would apply from 2024. We expect to hear back in September.


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