November 2015 work-based learning and colleges update: Childcare sector | Pearson qualifications

November 2015 work-based learning and colleges update: Childcare sector

25 November 2015

Find out about the consultations on paediatric first aid (PFA) training for all nursery staff.

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Consultation on amendments to the paediatric first aid requirements in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Following the tragic death in 2012 of Millie Thompson in a nursery class, the coroner for the case wrote to the Secretary of State stating that all nursery staff should have PFA training. The government wants to take account of the coroner’s report, subsequently the subject of a 103,000-signature petition which lobbied for all nursery staff to have PFA training, a Parliamentary debate on the issue and a review by the Department for Education of the current requirements.

The review has shown that parents would welcome additional reassurance that their children are safe through more staff being trained in PFA. The government is also introducing an entirely voluntary quality assurance scheme, for those nurseries that choose to train all their staff in paediatric first aid, rather than just those needed to meet the current mandatory paediatric first aid training requirements for early years providers set out in the EYFS. If the proposed changes under this consultation come into effect, they will form part of the EYFS requirements.

About this consultation

This consultation document proposes to make it a requirement, in addition to existing EYFS requirements, that newly qualified early years staff (with a full and relevant level 2 or level 3 childcare qualification) must have either a full Paediatric First Aid (PFA) or an emergency PFA certificate before they can be included in the required adult to child ratios in an early years setting.

View and respond to the consultation

The consultation closes at 5 p.m. on 10 December 2015, and the results, together with the Department for Education's response, will be published on GOV.UK in Spring 2016


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