Update on skills qualifications Jamie Oliver, Functional Skills, Workskills and ESOL | Pearson qualifications

January 2016 update

12 January 2016

September 2018 update: Although our partnership with the Jamie Oliver Foundation has ended, we are pleased to announce that our Home Cooking Skills qualification has been extended until August 2020. There have been no changes to the qualification and its content, and you will find that our website page has been updated to reflect this change, with all new resources and support material.

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In response to a number of questions this month, please see the following useful documentation:

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Essential Skills Wales  

The re-development of Essential Skills Wales has been completed.

Learn more about changes to Essential Skills Wales qualifications

Functional Skills 

Are you interested in offering paper-based 'on-demand' Functional Skills tests?

In order to help us understand the potential level of demand we’ve created a survey, which we’d be grateful if you or any of your colleagues could complete by Friday 21 January 2016.

Complete the 'on-demand' test survey

Test notification - Frequently asked questions

In respons to your questions about test notification, we have produced an easy to follow question and answer guide.


There will be a new Version of Workskills for September 2016. For more information, see our October news item.

General skills news

The Jamie Oliver Home Cooking Skills survey winner

The Jamie Oliver Home Cooking Skills Survey winner was Anwen Jones, and she won a copy of Jamie's latest book.


The skills funding letter is published annually and sets out the government’s funding priorities for the skills system. It includes information for the Skills Funding Agency to set provider allocations for 2016 to 2017, and indicative budgets through to 2020.

View the skills funding letter


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