December 2022 Psychology Subject Update
This update contains key news for teachers of Edexcel psychology courses.
A Level psychology exam feedback resources
Our online exam feedback training in November was well attended and teachers asked very good technical questions in the Q&A. At the time we explained that we would need input from our senior examiners to fully answer many of these and would produce an 'FAQ' style document to share the responses – now available via the link below. We are now producing new video versions of the training, incorporating the guidance we have recently received from our examiners – Paper 1 feedback available now via the Youtube channel link below.
The Q&A document will, we hope, be useful to A Level teachers who were not able to attend the live event, as well as clarifying many of the points raised for those who did attend. We gave also produced a guide for students clarifying how many marks are available for each Assessment Objective for different types of A Level extended response question.
We were recently asked for the marks awarded to responses used in some of the past training available on the A Level Psychology qualification page - you can now download those responses below along with that training pack from 2019.
We have focused on A Level resources so far, but will be working to provide similar guidance and support for International A Level and GCSE psychology teachers in the New Year.
Links to A Level Psychology 2022 exam feedback resources
Subject Advisor Youtube Channel
Recorded versions of November's exam feedback training will be posted here - Paper 1 now available.
Extended Response Questions Q and A document
Questions raised during our November exam feedback training and answers produced in consultation with our senior examiners.
Extended Response Question Student Guide
A one-page guide to the requirements of different types of ERQ for A Level psychology students.

Links to resources used in May 2019 extended response training
Exemplar responses from past training
This pdf contains five exemplar responses with the marks they were awarded, two of which were strong answers to 12 mark questions.

New resources produced for Edexcel A level psychology by Tutor2U.
Tutor2U have a large range of resources available to support A level psychology and have recently been producing new resources specifically for the Edexcel specification. While these have not been officially endorsed by Edexcel we recommend A Level teachers to take a look at them.
Tutor2U Social Psychology study book
Includes content and evaluation for the whole topic, and original exam style questions for each sub topic for students to practice with.
Tutor2U Peer Marking Grid
For students to use when marking each other’s work, and also useful for self-assessment.

Free Webinars from the British Psychological Society
HOLD THE DATE: The 3rd and final webinar for the academic year 2022-23 from the Education and Training Board of the BPS – aimed at pre-university teachers and students – will be on 30 March 2023, at 4-6pm. The webinar’s title is Revision Strategies and Coping with Examination Stress. The aim is to cover strategies for coping with examination stress and anxiety, and there will be a presentation on a wide selection of revision techniques. The two presenters will be Deb Gajic and Lucinda Powell, both are active pre-university psychology teachers and educationalists.
We have previously advertised the free BPS webinar ‘Maths Anxiety and Statistics in Psychology’ on 9 February 2023 (4-6pm). You can find more information on this on the BPS Events webpage and the newly announced webinar will appear there shortly.
Subject advisor
Tim Lawrence
Psychology and international Science