Edexcel GCSE Music: October 2021 update
Read the latest information on GCSE Music, including the latest news about assessments for summer 2022.
Summer 2022
On 30 September 2021 the outcomes of the joint DfE and Ofqual consultation on the arrangements for assessments in summer 2022 were released.
Read the outcomes of the joint DfE and Ofqual consultation
The consultation concluded that all of the proposals set out in the consultation document would be implemented.
This is in addition to the outcomes of the 2022 NEA and field work consultation, which published on 16 June. These confirmed the carry forward of arrangements which were put in place in 2021 to take account of public health restrictions that could have had an impact on the way the assessments in certain qualifications could be conducted.
Read the NEA update and confirmation of requirements for summer 2022
To make exams in 2022 less daunting, students will be told in advance some of the topic areas that will be included on the exam papers, helping them to manage their exam preparation. This information will be issued in the spring term to help students to focus their revision time.
However, the DfE have confirmed that if the impact of the pandemic worsens, this could be issued earlier in the academic year. We will update you on the timing of the advance information release once this has been confirmed.
Provisional summer timetable
The provisional summer 2022 exam timetable has been published. The provisional date for GCSE Music is the morning session on Wednesday 22 June 2022. If you have any feedback on the provisional timetable please email timetables@pearson.com.
See the provisional summer 2022 GCSE exam timetable
Autumn 2021 series
Entry for the autumn 2021 exam series for GCSE, AS and A level examinations is restricted to students who have received a teacher-assessed grade in summer 2021 and to students who are able to demonstrate that they would have entered summer 2021 exams had they not been cancelled.
Date | Event |
11 August 2021 | Entries open |
4 October 2021 | Entry deadline |
29 November 2021 | Component 3: Appraising exam |
24 February 2022 | Results day |
Dictation question
As a reminder we made an announcement on changes to the dictation question that were due to come in to affect for summer 2021.
The dictation question will now be either from a set work or from a piece related to an Area of Study.
This will continue to be a monophonic recording and will include a count in and tonic triad at the beginning of the extract used.
We have produced a resource that uses pieces related to different areas of study to help you prepare candidates for their exam.
Subject advisor
Jeffery Hole
Music and Music Technology