Edexcel GCSE Music: September 2020 update | Pearson qualifications

Edexcel GCSE Music: September 2020 update

17 September 2020

Read the latest information on GCSE Music, including the latest news about the changes to NEA for submission in summer 2021.

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Changes to 2021 assessments

We are delighted to announce that our approach to the changes in requiremnets for 2021 assessment published by Ofqual have been approved.

The outline of the changes are as follows;

For Component 1: Performing, a reduction to one performance with no requirement to perform as part of an ensemble. However, if a candidate wishes and it is possible in your centre, then it is allowed to perform in an ensemble. The duration of performances must be at least 1.5 minutes for solo performances and 2 minutes if it includes ensemble performance. The performance can be made up of one or more pieces. We will also be accepting video submissions for performing. This could be a video call set up and recorded by the teacher if a candidate is unable to attend the centre due to closure or isolation. If a video is provided the candidate and their instrument must remain in view at all times. The component will be marked out of 30 using the assessment grids from the specification and will continue to be internally assessed and externally moderated.

For Component 2: Composing, there has been a reduction in the number of pieces to submit from two to one. This will be the free composition and we won't be releasing the composition briefs this year. The duration of the composition must be at least 2 minutes. The component will be marked out of 30 using the assessment grids from the specification and will continue to be internally assessed and externally moderated.

Component 3: Appraising has no changes to the requirements and candidates will need to study all of the set works.

The weighting of each component in the specification will be retained and we will apply scaling to the marks to achieve this.

The summary of the changes to the assessments in 2021 has been published on the specification page.

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We will be issuing new PAS and CAS forms to reflect the changes to the requirements for this year and we intend to publish these by the end of September.

As part of the support for this year we will soon be publishing a guidance document to help centres in the delivery for each component and FAQs.


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