BTEC Firsts in Music and BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice: April 2021 update
Read the latest information on BTEC Firsts in Music and BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice, including the latest information for summer 2021.
Summer 2021
There has been lots of detail and updates for awarding qualifications in summer 2021 since the last update. All of the details can be found online and cover further information and guidance.This includes evidence records for Q-TAGs, worked examples for Q-TAG judgements and details of the situation for summer 2022 for mid-flight learners.
You can find the details in the various bulletins released over the past month.
To receive the latest information please sign up for the VQ bulletins.
Sign up to receive VQ bulletins
The most recent information on awarding qualifications in summer 2021 is included in the guidance document and there are other useful documents that you should use to help with decisions for this summer including performance indicators and common sources of practical evidence.
Subject advisor
Jeffery Hole
Music and Music Technology