A level Maths: Removal of January exam session | Pearson qualifications

A level Mathematics: Removal of January exam session

7 May 2013

On 22 March 2013, Ofqual published its response to the Secretary of State for Education’s recent correspondence on A level reform in England.

In its response, Ofqual confirms the following key information:

  • Removal of January assessments
    From 2014, January assessments have been removed for all A levels to limit resit opportunities and provide more time for teaching and learning.
  • New A levels for first teaching September 2015 (first assessment in 2017)
    New A levels will be developed for 2015 in the facilitating subjects* (except languages), along with six additional subjects. These new A levels are to be fully linear with more synoptic assessment.
Subjects to be redeveloped for September 2015 are:
English (Language, Literature and Language & Literature)
Mathematics and Further Mathematics
Art and Design
Business Studies
Biology Economics

*The Russell Group of universities facilitating subjects are English (Language, Literature and Language & Literature), Mathematics and Further Mathematics, languages (classical and modern), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History and Geography.

  • AS levels to be stand-alone qualifications for first teaching September 2015
    AS levels will be stand-alone qualifications and will no longer contribute to an A level grade. Their purpose will be to encourage curriculum breadth and they will remain broadly at their current standard. It may be that in some subjects it will be appropriate for the AS level to be designed to be co-taught with the first year of the A level.

Next steps

Ofqual will publish and inform exam boards of its new regulatory requirements for A levels as soon as possible.

We'll continue to review the content requirements of the subjects to be redeveloped for 2015, drawing on advice from higher education, teachers and learned societies. It's anticipated that the specifications for the new A level qualifications, for first teaching in September 2015, will be available to schools and colleges in autumn 2014.

Wales and Northern Ireland
We're waiting for clarification on how the A level reforms apply to Wales and Northern Ireland.

We'll continue to share any key information with you on these pages.

The proposed changes to A levels are subject to Ofqual consultation.

Further information
For more details, including A level reform FAQs, please see our press release here.

Stacey Palmer
Edexcel Mathematics



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