IT - Key Stage 4 performance tables (2020 results) in England
Teaching IT at Key Stage 4?
Here’s a quick update on what’s available from Pearson to support teaching and learning in Information Technology at Key Stage 4. We’ve explained what’s happening with each qualification, then given you an overview by year group to help with planning.
BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology - Approved for performance tables (2020 results)
It’s official - the DfE has confirmed that our new BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology is included on Key Stage 4 performance tables in England (2020 results).
If you’re planing to teach this new course in September 2018, there’s plenty of free support, including:
- network events near you - choose either face-to-face or online events
- free sample assessment materials and authorised assignment briefs.
Coming soon: Free samples of our new resources and assessment support with myBTEC.
Certificate in Digital Applications (CiDA Level 2)
The DfE has also confirmed that they will not be including the Certificate in Digital Applications (CiDA) in KS4 performance tables in England (2020 results). The DfE is asking for extensive changes to meet their requirements for inclusion on tables, and as a result, we’ve taken the hard decision not to re-submit CiDA for the 2020 List.
If you are currently teaching CiDA and are looking for an alternative qualification which is included on performance tables in 2020, please consider the BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology or the BTEC Tech Award in Creative Media Production. You can be assured that we will do our utmost to provide support for anyone who wants to move from CiDA to the new BTEC Tech Award in September 2018.
For students certifying in 2020
If you’re planning to teach CiDA to students certifying in 2020 when they will be in year 11, you can move across to either the:
- BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology
- BTEC Tech Award in Creative Media Production
Tim Brady, Susan Young and our subject teams will be on hand with support for moving to the new BTEC Tech Awards.
Year 11 options for September 2018
If you’re looking for a one-year course for your Year 11 students who will certify in 2019 which is included on performance tables, you have two choices:
- CiDA Level 2
- BTEC Tech Award in Creative Media Production
Here to help
Tim Brady, IT Subject Advisor and Susan Young, Media Subject Advisor.
Our subject teams are on hand to help. Get in touch.