International Computer Science June Update
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Computer Science Option 2B and 2C and Q6
Notice to teachers concerning the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Computer Science exam, sat between 05 and 07 June 2023
We are committed to ensuring that our exam papers are free from error and that they are valid assessments of the specification content. Unfortunately, there were some mistakes identified in the International GCSE Computer Science Paper 2 (4CP0_02) examination that was sat between Monday 5th June and Wednesday 7th June 2023. We understand this could have caused some confusion for students. We apologise for this and are looking into how this has happened with urgency.
We can confirm the following:
4CP0_2A – PYTHON - There are no issues identified with this option
4CP0_2B – C# - There was an error in the coding for Question 6 which resulted in an extra two items being provided in the array for “double[] tbl_dailyVolume”.
4CP0_2C - JAVA - There was an error in the naming of one data file within the Java folder as the file named “” should have been named “”. The code within the file also refers to “Q03b” but should refer to “Q03c”. In addition, there was an error in the coding for Question 6 which resulted in an extra two items being provided in the array for “double[] tbl_dailyVolume”.
Next steps - Our senior examiners will carefully review the responses to understand any impact this has had on students, so that we can take a course of action that ensures they are not disadvantaged. Examiners will be briefed on the issue, mark schemes will be amended, and any possible impact will be resolved during the marking period and before results are issued.
Throughout the examination series, we will provide you with updates on this issue and the actions we are taking. You will be provided with a final update ahead of the results being issued so that you and the students at your centre have a complete understanding as to how we have ensured there has been no impact on their results.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further queries. You can email our Computer Science Subject Advisor, Tim Brady, see contact details below.
Subject advisor
Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor