Computer Science July Update
As we rush toward results and start thinking about next academic year here are some helpful nuggets of information to keep you informed.
Please have a read of this fascinating 'Moving to Pearson Edexcel' case study, written by a teacher, about his experiences of moving to the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science and his approach and recommendations.
We will be holding another Network event for Computer Science GCSE in the week of the 18th September 2023.
We will invite a panel of your peers to discuss their experience of moving to our specification and it will be an excellent opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. Registration link to follow.
Preparing for the Summer Exam
This event is broken down into three parts. Part 1 will summarise the requirements of Components 1 and 2 and then focus on the logistics and setup of the onscreen component. Part two will look at a range of question types, providing guidance on how best to approach these questions with suitable examples. The final part is a live Q&A session where you have the opportunity to speak to the trainer and ask any questions you may have to help you prepare for the summer exams.
Summer 2023 Feedback – Components 1 and 2
This live online training is designed for teachers wishing to receive feedback on our Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science qualification.
Preparing for First Assessment/Mocks Marking Training
This live online training is designed for teachers wishing to receive feedback on our Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science qualification.
If you are delivering, or are considering delivering, our 2020 Computer Science specification and have not already been contacted please complete the Intention to offer form below.
Please join the 1,991 colleagues currently active in the Facebook group for this qualification it is teachers only and provides the platform for free and open sharing of views resources and opinions.
Summer 2022 demonstrated that we have improved accessibility on Paper 1 and the new Paper 2 performed really well. We are now in line with other AOs in terms of grade boundaries and grade statistics. The question now is, why would everyone not, adopt our specification? – if you are convinced, please do make sure you spread the word among colleagues, moving to our specification is easily done as so much of the content is the same or similar and the practical programming aspect of our spec and the lack of a Pseudocode language are motives enough!
Feedback on 2022 paper 1 and paper 2 is available on our website
Let me know of any colleagues that would like to chat!