Computer Science April Update | Pearson qualifications

Computer Science April Update

23 April 2023

We are getting ready now for the summer exams and preparing to get setup for Paper 2 . I hope these notes will provide support and help you in the weeks to come.

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If you are delivering, or are considering delivering, our 2020 Computer Science specification and have not already been contacted please complete the Intention to offer form below.

Intention to offer

Please join the 1,855 colleagues currently active in the Facebook group for this qualification it is teachers only and provides the platform for free and open sharing of views resources and opinions.

Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science Facebook Group

Summer 2022 demonstrated that we have improved accessibility on Paper 1 and the new Paper 2 performed really well. We are now in line with other AOs in terms of grade boundaries and grade statistics. The question now is, why would everyone not, adopt our specification? – if you are convinced, please do make sure you spread the word among colleagues, moving to our specification is easily done as so much of the content is the same or similar and the practical programming aspect of our spec and the lack of a Pseudocode language are motives enough!

Feedback on 2022 paper 1 and paper 2 is available on our website

Let me know of any colleagues that would like to chat!

Appointments can be made using this link.

The PLS Version 4 is now on the wesbite see the link below. It is largely unchanged but has introducted some clarifications – there has been no increase in the scope being required – we developed a changes document right along side it to summarise precisely where any changes have been made, I am sure you will all be satisfied that this represents a consistent approach.

We ran a couple of sessions for Exams Officers Teachers and IT staff - and this is a recording (35m) of one of the events. It is a really useful run through of the things that need to be considered so that Paper 2 runs smoothly.

Powerpoint used in this event

Preparing for Paper 2 GCSE Computer Science
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