BTEC Tech Award December Update | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Tech Award December Update

7 December 2023

December will be an important time for centres who need to meet the mid December deadline for Raw mark entry and Sample upload, I hope this update provides you with helpful and useful information. Good luck to all teachers and students! Beyond the Tech Award deadlines I would like to wish everyone a healthy happy break and a refreshed start for 2024.

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Remember deadlines for Raw mark and Sample upload

BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award (2022)  internally assessed components for Dec/Jan 2024 session have Raw mark submission and Sample upload deadlines this month.
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The deadline for Raw mark submission in Edexcel Online is 15 December 2023, early entry is available and your selected sample should also be visible now.

Instructions for Raw mark entry

Samples should be uploaded to LWT also on (or before) the 15th December 2023

Managing LWT request for samples

We’ve put all the key dates you’ll need for the next academic year of the Tech Awards into one handy reference document, including registration dates for new learners, release dates for PSAs, entry deadlines, external exam timetables and results dates. 

Key Dates Schedule 2023/24

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Learners can retake internally assessed components once during their course.

If learners are retaking internally assessed components, they must respond to the new PSA released for that series. Learners are permitted to adapt work from their initial sitting where it is appropriate. They can use the full allocated time, including monitored preparation where applicable, and if they choose to adapt work from their initial sitting, they will need to repurpose, build upon and/or amend their work to meet the new PSA. Learners should not be overly guided on how to improve their work, and if assistance is provided, this should be documented and considered during assessment.

For further information, centres should follow the JCQ Guidance with particular attention paid to sections 2 and 17.

JCQ Guidance


As we approach the first availability of external assessments this January, remember that the terminal assessment rule requires learners to take the external assessment at the end of their qualification (when the learner is due to certificate). This means that learners must sit internal component assessments either prior to or in the same series as the external assessment to fulfil this terminal rule. If a learner chooses to retake an internal assessment in a series after they sat the terminal external assessment, they will also need to resit the external component to satisfy the terminal rule. Learners are allowed one resit of the external assessment within the programme.

Watch our video about retaking assessments

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You will submit certification claims for the new BTEC Tech Awards during the series in which learners are sitting their terminal external assessment. You will do this using the cash-in code for the qualification, which you can find in our Information Manual.

You can make certification claims during the normal entry window for the assessment series. If you have a learner who sits their terminal assessment in January and is happy with their result, you will be able to submit a late claim following the release of January results. However, if a learner is not happy with their results and intends to resit in the May/June series, you may choose to delay claiming until making their resit entry.

We’ll share more detailed guidance on claims directly with Tech Award centres soon.


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