Top 10 trending hospitality questions | Pearson qualifications

Top 10 trending hospitality questions

Tue Apr 22 13:25:00 UTC 2014

September 2018 update: Although our partnership with the Jamie Oliver Foundation has ended, we are pleased to announce that our Home Cooking Skills qualification has been extended until August 2020. There have been no changes to the qualification and its content, and you will find that our website page has been updated to reflect this change, with all new resources and support material.

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You can find both our resources and endorsed resources on the BTEC First Hospitality (2013) page.  

You can find your SV report on Edexcel Online by selecting BTEC as your qualification, hovering over External Verification and then clicking on QCF BTEC 2-3 / Foundation Learning / Workskills. The report will be under REPORT - RELEASED.

You can find your SV's details on Edexcel Online by selecting BTEC as your qualification and then clicking on External Verification.

For recipes, feedback and other learning resources, you can visit our dedicated website for the course.

If you would like to receive course updates, notices and training, please complete our form.

Each unit has specified learning outcomes and assessment criteria. To pass an internally assessed unit, learners must meet all the assessment criteria. You may find it helpful if learners index and reference their evidence to the relevant learning outcomes and assessment criteria.

You need to write assignment briefs for the learners to show what evidence is required. Assignment briefs should indicate clearly which assessment criteria are being targeted.

Assignment briefs and evidence produced by learners must also meet any additional requirements in the Information for tutors section of the unit.

Unless otherwise indicated in Information for tutors, you can decide the form of assessment evidence (for example, performance observation, presentations, projects, tests, extended writing) as long as the methods chosen allow learners to produce valid, sufficient and reliable evidence of meeting the assessment criteria.

You are encouraged to provide learners with realistic scenarios and maximise the use of practical activities in delivery and assessment.


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