Withdrawal of Edexcel Entry Level Certificate qualifications
A number of Edexcel Entry Level Certificates have now been withdrawn and are no longer available for assessment.
As you will be aware, reformed GCSE 9-1 qualifications have been introduced for first teaching from September 2016 onwards across a range of subjects.
The changes to the GCSE requirements meant that the Entry Level Certificates in these subjects were no longer appropriate as an alternative qualification for students working below the GCSE standard. As a result, the decision was made to withdraw this qualification in the following subjects:
- Design and Technology
- French
- Geography
- German
- History
- Physical Education
- Religious Studies
- Spanish
The final opportunity to submit work for moderation and claim a result was summer 2018. There will now be no further assessment opportunities for these qualifications.
The qualification pages will soon be removed from our website.
The Entry Level Certificates in Maths, Science and English have been redeveloped, and continue to be available.
Subject advisor
Mark Battye