Published support for new A level History specification
We’re getting lots of queries from teachers who are planning new Edexcel A level History courses and are looking for new published resources. This update contains the latest news about textbooks for the new specification.
Free online access to Pearson A level History books before they're published
We know teachers need access to books right now to help plan new schemes of work so Pearson are giving you free access to the full draft Paper 1 and 2 A level History books online.
All of the books for Routes A-H are available to view online right now. You will be able to access these books as many times as you need before they're printed.
If you would like to access the books online please contact us and we will send you a link and code.
Pearson are producing new textbooks for all examined topics
There will be a textbook for each of the new Routes A-H which includes the Paper 1 breadth topic and both Paper 2 depth topics.
These books will start to be published at the end of June throughout the summer months and should all be available by September. The first books due to be published are for Route A (June) and C (July). The others will be published in August and September.
Hodder books for new Edexcel A level History
Hodder are also publishing new textbooks which will cover an entire Route. Their new books are being written for Routes B (Religion and the state in early modern Europe), E (Communist states in 20th century), G (Nationalism, dictatorship and democracy in 20th century Europe) and H (Democracies in change: Britain and USA in 20th century).
The Route E book will be published at the end of June 2015 with the others following over the summer.
Updated Access to History books available now
Hodder are also updating their Access to History series for the new A level specifications. Books currently available are:
- Luther and the German Reformation (useful for Route B teachers)
- France in Revolution (useful for Route C teachers)
- Reaction and Revolution: Russia 1894-1941 (useful for Route C teachers)
- The Unification of Germany (useful for Route D teachers)
- Mao’s China 1936-97 (useful for Route E teachers)
Topic booklets and schemes of work for all topics
To help with your planning we have produced detailed topic booklets and schemes of work for all topics. These can be found in the teaching and learning materials section of the specification page. These documents recommend a range of resources which are already available to teach the new specification.
Coming soon!
We are working on a second set of assessment materials for A level History and exemplar student responses with commentary – these will be made available over the summer.