March 2024 History Subject Update | Pearson qualifications

March 2024 History Subject Update

Wed Mar 06 17:41:00 UTC 2024

This update contains useful information, news and advice for Edexcel History teachers, including support and guidance for A level History coursework marking and submission.

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Edexcel A level History coursework marking and delivery support videos

This update contains pre-recorded videos and guidance to support the marking and delivery of Edexcel A level History coursework. We are also working on a new coursework guide for teachers which will be available soon.

A level History coursework submission deadline

The deadline for submitting coursework samples and marks to us is 15 May 2024 for Summer 2024 certification. Please note that your Exams Officer may have their own internal deadlines and you also need to take into account the requirement to inform students of their centre assessed marks.

A level History online coursework submission Summer 2024

This update contains a summary of how to submit A level History coursework marks and samples in Summer 2024. It includes guidance on how to submit your marks and samples online, a reminder of the deadlines, the materials you need to submit, and lots of other useful advice and links.

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History improvements

We recently announced that we are making improvements to our GCSE History qualification.


We’d love to get your feedback on these changes – please fill in this quick survey to give us some feedback on the GCSE History changes and to suggest any further guidance and training you feel we could provide to support you.

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History: improving the assessment model event

We are running a network event this March to discuss the GCSE History changes in further detail and answer any questions teachers may have.

  • Pearson Edexcel GCSE History: improving the assessment model, 14 March 2024, 16:00–17:00 GMT

Coming soon: Edexcel GCSE History 2025 changes Guidance document and FAQs

We are still working on some FAQs and detailed guidance which will contain exemplification of the 2025 GCSE History assessment changes. We are aiming to make these available on the GCSE History qualification page by 14 March at the latest.

Edexcel GCSE History top revision tips for students

With Summer exam series just around the corner, this update contains some useful revision tips for Edexcel GCSE History students, covering aspects of assessment that students often struggle to get to grips with.

Reminder of GCSE History Paper 2 assessment arrangements this Summer

This update is to remind teachers and exams officers of the exam arrangements for Edexcel GCSE History Paper 2 in Summer 2024, to ensure there is a clear understanding of how the paper will be assessed on the day of the exam.

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History: Supporting higher-attaining students training

 This online event is designed for teachers who are delivering our Pearson Edexcel GCSE History qualification and would like training to support higher-attaining students. The session will take place on 1 July 2024 at 16:00 - 18:00 GMT and is priced at £40 (excl. tax).

Schools History Project Summer Conference 2024

Booking is now open for the annual SHP Summer Conference which takes place on 29-30 June 2024 at Leeds Trinity University.

Apply to be an examiner for GCSE History

Our GCSE History entries continue to grow and we are always on the look out for new examiners – particularly on Paper 3 Germany. If you are interested in marking for us this Summer you can apply online via our website.

Anti-Apartheid Legacy education resources on South Africa

The Anti-Apartheid Legacy have recently released the second in a series of education packs, written with KS4 in mind, these resources are also designed to be accessible and useful for KS5 and KS3 students. This new resource focuses on the roots of apartheid and can be accessed via their website.

The Anti-Apartheid Legacy are also hosting a free film screening at SOAS, University of London on Wednesday 13th March at 3pm. Life is Wonderful: Mandela's Unsung Heroes is a documentary about the Rivonia Trial and Mandela's co-defendants and legal team and will be followed by a Q&A hosted by the Chair of SOAS's Centre for African Studies. The film would be suitable for A-Level teachers and students.


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