GCSE History Specification Issue 3
This update contains information about the amendments to the GCSE History specification issue 3.
New Migration Thematic Study
As part of our commitment to building a more representative and inclusive History curriculum, we have added a new Migration topic, Migrants in Britain, c800–present and Notting Hill, c1948–c1970, to our current Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9–1) History specification.
The new topic is available for first teaching from September 2021 and first assessment in 2022. We have updated the GCSE History specification and sample assessment materials to include this new topic. The updated documents can be found on the qualification page.
Minor amendments to GCSE History Specification
In addition to the introduction of the new Paper 1 Migrants in Britain option, minor amendments have been made to the specification, including: content clarification for some options; the mark scheme instructions for examiners for Paper 1 qu.2(b); and the accessibility of some features in the paper design.
Issue 3 of the specification and a list of the amendments with explanation can be found below.
American West amendments
After listening to feedback from teachers and reviewing option P3, The American West, c1835-c1895, the content has been amended to flow more logically both within and across the three key topics. This will allow schools and students to see more clearly the narrative threads and connections within the content. In a few places, minor content has been removed.
Guidance on the American West amendments can be found below.
We are running a free online event on Tuesday 18 May to explore the amendments to American West in more detail and answer any questions you may have. The event will be available to book soon on our training page.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.
Subject advisor
Mark Battye