GCSE History assessment changes for 2025: new guidance, FAQs and training | Pearson qualifications

GCSE History assessment changes for 2025: new guidance, FAQs and training

20 March 2024

This update contains details of new guidance and support on the 2025 assessment changes for Edexcel GCSE History teachers, including FAQs and a recording of our recent training event.

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Guidance to support GCSE History 2025 changes

Following our recent announcement of changes to the Edexcel GCSE History assessment for 2025 exams, we have now made available a detailed guidance document which contains details of the changes along with exemplification.

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FAQs to support GCSE History 2025 changes

The following FAQs have been created to support teachers by addressing some of the main queries we have received.

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Recording of GCSE History 2025 changes training event

We recently ran a training event for teachers to explain the changes to Edexcel GCSE History in 2025. You can now watch a recording of this event: 

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History improving the assessment model
Pearson Edexcel GCSE History improving the assessment model
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You can find a copy of the powerpoint slides from this event below:

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We hope you found this update useful, however please email us at teachinghistory@pearson.com if you have any questions.


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