November Subject Advisor Update | Pearson qualifications

November Subject Advisor Update

Wed Nov 16 10:40:15 UTC 2022

The November 2022 update from your subject advisor

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Welcome to the November update for BTEC qualifications in Health and Social Care and Applied Psychology.

There is lots of information including Summer Exam dates, an update on the Level 3 reforms and new authorised assignment briefs for Level 2 and level 3 qualifications. 

BTEC Exams and Externals for Summer 2023

Qualification Unit Date Time
BTEC First Unit 1- Human Lifespan and Development 15/05/23 AM
BTEC First Unit 9-Healthy Living 23/05/23 AM
BTEC Tech Award (2016) Component 3- Health and Wellbeing 19/05/23 PM
BTEC Nationals Unit 1-Human Lifespan Development 15/05/23 PM
BTEC Nationals Unit 2-Working in Health and Social Care 19/05/23 AM
BTEC Nationals Unit 3- Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Social care 05/06/23 AM
BTEC Nationals Unit 4- Enquiries into current research in Health and Social care- Part A release 24/04/23  
BTEC Nationals Unit 4-Enquiries into current research in Health and Social care- Part B 22/05/23 AM
BTEC National Applied Psychology Unit 1-Psychological Applications and Approaches 16/05/23 PM
BTEC Nationals Applied Psychology Unit 3-Health Psychology 24/05/23 PM

BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care- Unit 4 Enquiries into current research in Health and Social Care

There have been some changes made to the Unit 4 external. There will no longer be two articles for students to chose from there will only be one. This will make it easier for students and allow them to concentrate their research. There is a new Sample Assessment material (SAM) that you can see and a new updated Administrative Support Guide (ASG). 

See the SAM

See the ASG

New Administrative Support Guide for new BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social care (2022)

There is new guidance for the administration of the internal Pearson set Assessments for the BTEC Tech Award (2022). It contains lots of useful information that will help you plan your controlled assessment for the qualification. 

Read the new Administrative Support Guide

New Authorised Assignment briefs for BTEC Firsts and BTEC Nationals

New authorised assignment briefs for the above qualifications have been published. You can use them with your learners or adapt them to meet your needs. Please ensure that they have been Internally verified before they are given to students. You can find them on the qualification page under 'New Authorised Assignment briefs'. You do not have to use them. 

Update on the Level 3 reforms

All BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care remain available to teach until 2026. This is apart from the BTEC National Diploma that is on the provisional de funding list from the DfE. This is being appealed and we will get an update from the DfE in the summer. 

Updated news article 

Subject advisor


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