April Health and Social Care news update | Pearson qualifications

April Health and Social Care news update

30 April 2018

This update contains information about training events, exam dates and new component videos for the BTEC Tech award. 

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Health and Social Care training events

There are a number training events coming up for different qualifications. These include BTEC Nationals, Higher Nationals and the Tech Award.

GCSE Health and Social care

The final exams for this qualification are:

Unit 1- Understanding Personal Development and Relationships - 13 June 2018 PM

Unit 4 - Health, Social Care and Early years in Practice - 19 June 2018 PM

BTEC Tech Award component videos

There are 3 component videos for the Tech Award. They give genaral guidance for the new course. This course replaces the GCSE in Health and Social Care. 

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