Update to AS and A Level Geography Specifications and SAMs
We’ve recently made some minor changes to our AS and A Level Geography specifications and sample assessment materials (SAMs).
We’ve recently made some minor changes to our AS and A level Geography specification and sample assessment materials (SAMs).
All changes to AS and A Level are for first assessment from 2019
Summary of changes to the AS Geography specification
These AS changes are for first assessment from 2019.
1. Amendments to place context (where there is a globe symbol in the specification content) requirements
Where we have suggested place contexts within brackets, we have amended the wording so it is clear whether one or more place context is required e.g. Key idea 3.5a (globe symbol Mumbai or Karachi). In Topic 2A Glaciated Landscapes and 2B Coastal Landscapes we’ve reduced the requirements for place contexts in Coastal Landscapes and added additional place context requirements for Glaciated Landscapes so there is an equal number in each topic.
Key Ideas: 2A.3c, 2A.4a, 2A.11a, 2A.11c, 2A.12a, 2A.12b, 2B.2c, 2B.5c, 2B.8a, 2B,9b, 2B.10a, 2B.10b, 2B.10c, 2B.11c, 3.5a, 3.5b, 3.6a, 3.8a, 3.8b and 3.9a.
Pages: 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31
2. Minor corrections to wording and/or formatting
Key Ideas: 1.3b, 1.6b, 2A.7b, 2A.9b, 2A.10a, 2B.12 and 3.3c.
Pages: 13, 14, 19, 20 and 29
3. Clarification of assessment of synoptic themes
Page: 4, 5, 12, 27, 45
4. Addition of Paper 1 title on page 4
Summary of changes to the AS Geography SAMs
1. The instructions for answering Section B in Paper 1 have been corrected on page 10.
2. Answer lines have been added to Q5(a) and Q5(b)(i) in Paper 1 on page 19.
The updated AS Geography specification and SAMs can be downloaded from the Geography qualifications page.
Summary of changes to the A level Geography specification
These A Level changes are for first assessment from 2019.
1. Amendments to place context (where there is a globe symbol in the specification content) requirements
Where we have suggested place contexts within brackets, we have amended the wording so it is clear whether one or more place context is required e.g. Key idea 3.5a (globe symbol Mumbai or Karachi).
In Topic 2A Glaciated Landscapes and 2B Coastal Landscapes we’ve reduced the requirements for place contexts in Coastal Landscapes and added additional place context requirements for Glaciated Landscapes so there is an equal number in each topic.
Key ideas: 2A.3c, 2A.4a, 2A.11a, 2A.11c, 2A.12a, 2A.12b, 2B.2c, 2B.5c, 2B.8a, 2B,9b, 2B.10a, 2B.10b, 2B.10c, 2B.11c, 3.5a, 3.5b, 3.6a, 3.8a, 3.8b, 3.9a, 5.3a, 5.4b, 5.8c, 5.9c, 7.8b, 8A.1a, 8A.2c, 8A.8a, 8A.8c, 8A.11a, 8B.1b, 8B.4b, 8B.4c, 8B.5b, 8B.6c, 8B.11a, 8B.11c and 8B.12a.
Pages: 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 42, 43, 44, 53, 55, 58, 59, 61, 63 and 65
2. Minor corrections to wording and/or formatting
Key Ideas: 1.3b, 1.6b, 1.7b, 1.9b, 2A.7b, 2A.9b, 2A.10a, 2B.12c, 3.3c and 6.4b
Pages:10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 22 and 48
3. Amendment of ‘coursework’ to ‘non-examination assessment’ terminology
Coursework is now referred to as 'non-examination assessment' to reflect the correct terminology. The requirements of this component have not changed.
Pages: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 68, 72, 73 ,81, 83, 84, 87, 111 and 113
4. Corrections to remove references to sections in Paper 3
Pages: 5 and 83
Summary of changes to the A level Geography SAMs
1. The diagram in the mark scheme for Q1 in Paper 1 has been amended to match the data in the Resource Booklet.
Page 33
2. The number of answer lines has been amended throughout Papers 1, 2 and 3 to ensure consistency.
The updated A level Geography specification and SAMs can be downloaded from the Geography qualifications page.
Get updated A level specification and SAMs
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