October 2022 Geography subject update
This update contains all the latest news about Edexcel Geography qualifications and resources.
Summer 2023: content and assessment arrangements
Earlier this year the Department for Education announced the return to full subject content and assessment coverage for GCSE subjects such as Geography in Summer 2023. This update concerns the content and assessment arrangements for GCSE Geography A and B, International GCSE Geography and A level Geography in Summer 2023.
What this means for GCSE Geography
In Summer 2022 GCSE Geography students could drop one topic and there was no need to submit a fieldwork statement and questions on students' own 'familiar' expereince of fieldwork were removed from exam papers.
For Summer 2023, the Department for Education confirms the return to full subject content coverage for GCSE Geography – all content must be taught and assessed. Both fieldwork in 'familiar' and 'unfamiliar' contexts will be assessed. Centres must submit a fieldwork statement.
What this means for AS and A level Geography
In Summer 2022 AS and A level Geography students were provided with Advance Information, identifying the major focus of the exams which students could use to help focus their revision. For AS and A level, the Fieldwork Statement was not required and in AS Geography questions on students' own 'familiar' expereince of fieldwork were removed from exam papers.
In Summer 2023 the Department for Education have confirmed there will be no Advance Information, that centres will need to submit a Fieldwork Statement and there will be no adaptations to exam papers.
What this means for International GCSE Geography
In Summer 2022 International GCSE Geography students could drop one topic from Section A in Paper 2 and questions on students' own 'familiar' expereince of fieldwork were removed from exam papers.
For Summer 2023 we will be returning to full subject content coverage for Edexcel International GCSE Geography in line with the UK GCSE qualification – so two topics in Section A of Paper 2 must be taught and assessed and both fieldwork in 'familiar' and 'unfamiliar' contexts will be assessed.
Where do I submit my Fieldwork Statement?
The Fieldwork Statement required for GCSE, AS & A level and IAL Geography must be submitted using the webform below by 15 May 2023 for your cohorts doing their exams in 2023. Please do not submit your Fieldwork Statement via the digital Learner Work Transfer Portal (LWT)
The entry codes for GCSE History have gone back to the pre-covid format since we no longer have optionality in Summer 2023 and all 4 topics need to be taught and assessed. They have also been updated to include the new Migration thematic study.
We will be updating the entry code calculator on the website this term to help you to determine the codes. I will update you when the new codes are available on the tool. For now, you need to use the information manual to determine the codes.
2023 Provisional Exam timetables
The provisional exam timetables for Summer 2023 will shortly be released on our website.
GCSE and A level Geography Events
We've run some successful network and training events on Summer 2022 feedback and how to use that in teaching and learning this year. We also have scheduled support for:
- Pearson Edexcel GCSE Geography B network event: lessons learned from the Summer 2022 exams - 7 November 2022 at 16:00-18:00
- Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Geography A and B: Identifying learning gaps and intervention strategies - 23 November 2022 at 16:00-17:30
- Pearson Edexcel A level Geography: Coursework marking training - Module 4: Live Q&A session - 6 December 2022 at 16:00-18:00
Support for A level NEA (Independent Investigation)
We have on demand training modules to support with teaching and assessment of the NEA (Independent Investigation) as well as the optional Coursework Advisory Service to get your students' proposal forms checked by us if you are not confident about your own feedback on them.
Access to Scripts deadline: 16 December
Don’t forget you can our free Access to Scripts service to view your students’ marked exam scripts online or download as a PDF. It is available from results day until the 16 December 2022. You can find more information about how to use this service, as well as guidance on our other post-results service in my Getting Ready for Results Day update.
Pre-release for IAL Unit 4
We'll release the Advance Information for IAL Unit 4 for January 2023 on 6 December 2022 on the qualification page
Subject advisor
Jon Wolton