A level Geography Online NEA Submission Summer 2025
This update contains a summary of how to submit A level Geography NEA marks and samples in Summer 2025. It includes guidance on how to submit your marks and samples online, a reminder of the deadlines, the materials you need to submit, and lots of other useful advice and links.
15 May 2025: Final date to submit NEA samples and marks
By 15 May 2025, you must submit your NEA samples and marks to us for Summer 2025 certification. Please note that your Exams Officer may have their own internal deadlines and you also need to take into account the requirement to inform students of their centre assessed marks. NEA samples should be submitted digitally, using the Learner Work Transfer (LWT) portal and marks should be submitted on Edexcel Online. You can find further guidance on how to use these systems in this update.
How to submit coursework marks online to Pearson
Marks should be submitted to us via Edexcel Online. You should be able to start submitting marks from March 2025 but you won’t be able to view the requested sample until mid-April 2025. For each student you should submit the raw mark out of 70. Please do not try to double the mark or convert them into a percentage or grade.

Further guidance document on submitting marks via Edexcel Online:
How to submit coursework samples online to Pearson
In order to help with teacher and moderator workload, and to ensure our commitment to working more digitally, we have developed a digital system for teachers to send us their NEA/coursework samples.
Learner Work Transfer (LWT)
The system is called the Learner Work Transfer portal (LWT) and all A level Geography NEA samples will need to be submitted to us via this portal. There is no hard copy submission of coursework samples in Summer 2025.
We have created a guidance document for teachers to provide more information and guidance on the process. The document outlines the different ways in which you can submit samples online.
Digital submission options
It is very important that you decide who in your school will be responsible for submitting the coursework samples to us online. You also need to decide which format you will use to submit coursework samples to us online. There are three main options for the format of samples – more detailed guidance for each option is provided in the guidance document above.
Option 1: Scanning in work | Students submit their work in hard copy and you scan it in before uploading the requested sample (most photocopiers have a scanning function). |
Option 2: Separate marking notes | Students submit their final coursework to you digitally in an uneditable form (PDF or read-only Word document). You capture your marking and moderating comments using the marker/moderator comments sheet which is uploaded with the student’s coursework, coursework resource record and coursework authentication sheet. If you prefer, you can edit the marker/moderator comments sheet, or create your own version, provided it is clear. |
Option 3: End-to-end digital | Digital submission with digital in-text annotation using a digital marking platform. |
How to use the Learner Work Transfer portal
This video shows you how to log in and navigate the Learner Work Transfer portal:

You will not be able to see your requested A level Geography sample on the LWT portal until mid-April.
When you log in to the LWT portal you will see a choice of Standards Verification (BTEC) and Examination/Moderation (GCSE and A levels). A level Geography NEA is internally assessed so you need to select 'Examination/Moderation' then ‘Moderation’.
If you are prompted to select an exam series you should select 'June 2025' for A level Geography.
If you are unable to use the LWT portal once logged in to Edexcel Online please make sure that a) your Edexcel Online account is linked to your centre and b) you have ‘basic access’ selected in your Edexcel Online profile – your exams officer can help you with this.
If you are unable to see the LWT portal in the left-hand menu when logged in to Edexcel Online please make sure you don't have a qualification selected (such as GCE) in the top menu option.
How to identify the sample of work that needs to be submitted online for moderation
The list of students required for sampling will not be available until mid-April.
When you log in to Edexcel Online and go to the coursework mark submission screen there will be a tick next to the candidates' names that need to be submitted for moderation. You also need to submit the work of the highest- and lowest-scoring candidates if they are not part of the requested sample.
You will also be able to see the names of the students required for sampling when you log in to the Learner Work Transfer Portal. If, for some reason, you're unable to submit the work for a particular student, you should submit the work of an equivalent student with a similar mark.
The number of students required in the sample will depend on the number of entries you have for A level Geography. For centres with small entry sizes (usually 10 or less) you will be asked to submit samples for all students. For centres with larger entries a randomly generated sub-sample of students will be requested.
You must also submit the work of the highest and lowest scoring students if they are not part of the requested sample. If you have multiple students on the same 'highest' and/or 'lowest' mark you only need to submit one student's sample to meet this requirement.
Cohort size | Sample size requested |
Up to 10 | All students |
11-99 | 10 students |
100-199 | 15 students |
More than 200 | 20 students |
Please remember that the moderator may request more work if necessary.
How to deal with missing work or withdrawn candidates
If you are required to submit a coursework sample for a student whose work is missing then please submit the work of a different student of similar ability via LWT.
If you have withdrawn the entry of a student and they are still showing on the Learner Work Transfer portal then please use the ‘status’ drop down to mark the learner as absent on LWT. If they are part of the requested sample please submit another student’s work of a similar ability.
Forms to be completed for A level Geography NEA
All students must complete two forms alongside their coursework:
- Independent investigation mark sheet
- Geography independent investigation form
These form were updated in 2024 to include statements about Artificial Intelligence (AI). Please ensure you are using the latest version of the authentication sheet where possible.
Both forms should be signed by the student and teacher. You should only submit to us the forms for the requested student sample. These forms are available on our website:
If you have used our A level Geography Coursework/NEA advisory service you should send the moderator a copy of the feedback proforma(s) you received. Please note this is not a compulsory service so only send this if you used the service.
2025 Fieldwork Statement
A reminder that a Fieldwork Statement from centres is required again in 2025 to confirm that your geographers have done the compulsory fieldwork for GCSE Geography, AS Geography, A level Geography and International AS Level Geography. No fieldwork statement is required for International GCSE Geography.
Fieldwork Statement Forms can be found on the relevant qualification page under 'Forms and administration' or as an appendix in the relevant specification.
Your Fieldwork Statement must be submitted using the link below:
JCQ notice to centres – informing candidates of their centre assessed marks
Centres have, for many years, been required to have a written internal appeals procedure relating to internal assessment decisions. As part of this procedure, candidates must be told the mark given by their centre for a centre-assessed component/unit. This applies to A level Geography NEA.
I hope you've found this update useful. If you have any further questions about the submission of NEA, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Subject advisor
Jon Wolton