Update: Pearson Edexcel GCSE English Language 2.0 reviews of marking
We understand that grades in this year’s GCSE English Language 2.0 may not have been as expected for some students and that this can be particularly upsetting for post-16 students who are resitting the subject to achieve a grade 4.
As part of our package of support, we are offering students who narrowly missed achieving a grade 4 on GCSE English Language 2.0 in June 2024, a free review of marking. This is to ensure that where, after reviewing a student’s script with our free Access to Scripts service, a centre believes that there has been a marking error, a student is not prevented by potential cost from having the marking on their paper reviewed. Centres may access this support for any student who achieved a mark 5 or fewer marks below the grade 4 grade boundary (students who achieved 79-83 marks).
Students must be reminded when consenting to a review of marking that their original mark may be lowered, stay the same or be raised. During a review, a senior examiner will review the original marking and change it if errors in the application of the mark scheme are found.
If you would like to make use of this offer, please apply for a review of marking via your exams officer in the usual way. We will check your application against your student outcomes, and you will not be charged for any review of marking which meets the eligibility criteria.
If you have already applied for a review of marking for eligible students, we will not invoice you for their review.
I hope you have seen our previous offers of support from 22 and 29 August:
Notice on the June 2024 GCSE English Language 2.0 (1EN2) exam series
Update: Pearson Edexcel GCSE English Language 2.0
If you would like to talk to us about your 2.0 results, please do email me at teachingenglish@pearson.com.
Kind regards
Mark Howlett
Head of Standards and Assessment Performance
Subject advisor
Clare Haviland