November 2024 teaching English update
I hope you have had a mid-term break and are enjoying some autumnal/Halloween fun if you’re in the northern hemisphere.
This update will direct will flag some new resources and training as well as key dates.

November exam series for GCSE and International GCSE
Good luck to all students sitting exams from 5 November.
Spoken Language Endorsement grade and sample submission by: 5 November 2024.
International GCSE
Coursework and Spoken Language Endorsement grade, mark and sample submission by: 5 November 2024.
Access submission guidance:
Updated question summaries available now
You can now access (with your Edexcel Online login) updated question summaries that include the questions set on English GCSEs, Int GCSEs and A levels in June 2024.
The summaries help you to check which texts/characters/themes appeared in each series; to understand parts of questions which are fixed and which change; and are a resource for setting assessments internally.

June 2024 exam insights training slides and recordings
This autumn, we’ve offered exam insights training for all our English qualifications (GCSE, Int GCSE, A level and IAL). These offer invaluable information on how to prepare your students for exams. If you missed the events, please do access the slides and recordings. I will update this list when all of the materials are available.

The Empress with playwright Tanika Gupta: free livestreamed CPD from the British Library, 3 December 2024
This session aims to inspire and support you to teach The Empress, with unique insights from the play's author Tanika Gupta. It's perfect for teachers of English or Drama at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5, and of course our Lit in Colour pioneers.
Join the playwright for a rich discussion, along with tips from teachers, contextual analysis from Dr Florian Stadtler, and new resources to explore key themes of empire, class and gender.

International GCSEs
English Literature
We are just finalising support for ‘Western Lane’ and ‘Klara and the Sun’. You will shortly be able to access:
- The updated Getting Started Guide with sections on these texts.
- Knowledge Organisers.
- Delivery support: useful links and resources for teaching both texts.
English Language A
We are finalising new exemplars for the coursework component, demonstrating the new format for reading and also providing some new writing exemplars.
As always, if you need support in delivering any of our English qualifications, you can get in touch using the links in the contact box below.
Subject advisor
Clare Haviland