From summer 2020: A Level Paper 2 Child Language – amendment to duration of assessment from 1hr to 1hr 15 minutes | Pearson qualifications

From summer 2020: A Level Paper 2 Child Language amendment to duration of assessment from 1hr to 1hr 15 minutes

30 January 2020

From summer 2020: A Level Paper 2, Child Language – amendment to duration of assessment from 1 hr to 1 hr 15 minutes

We have received substantial feedback from teachers regarding the length of the Paper 2 examination, specifically what is required of students during the one hour assessment. As you are aware, students are required to analyse language from an unseen stimulus and we have decided to extend the examination by 15 minutes, to 1 hour 15 minutes, in order to support students in planning their responses and accurately demonstrating their skills.

This change will be introduced for first assessment in summer 2020.

We hope by announcing this change now, you have plenty of time to prepare your students for the summer 2020 exams.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact our English Subject Advisor, Clare Haviland.

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