BTEC Tech Award in Engineering - Assessment materials | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Tech Award in Engineering - Assessment materials

7 July 2020

In this update, you will find useful assessment materials for both internal and external components of BTEC Tech Award in Engineering.

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Internally assessed components

Component 1: Exploring Engineering Sectors and Design Applications

Component 1 focuses on the engineering sector, how sectors interconnect to design and manufacture prooducts, and looks in to the design process. to explore engineering skills. It has 2 learning aims. 

  • Learning aim A: Understand engineering sectors, products and organisations, and how they interrelate
  • Learning aim B: Explore engineering skills through the design process.

There are authorised assignment briefs and sample marked learner work available for these learning aims and you can access these below. 

Test link

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Component 2: Investigating an Engineering Project

Component 2 focuses on engineering materials, components and processes, and provides opportunities for learners to disassemble products to learn more about them. In this components, learners also plan and safely reproduce/inspect and test a given engineered product. There are 3 learning aims in this component. 

  • Learning aim A: Understand materials, components and processes for a given engineered product
  • Learning aim B: Investigate a given engineered product using disassembly techniques
  • Learning aim C: Plan the manufacture of and safely reproduce/inspect/test a given engineered component. 

There are authorised assignment briefs and sample marked learner work available for these learning aims and you can access these below. 

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Externally assessed component (Synoptic)

Component 3: Responding to an Engineering Brief

This external component builds on knowledge, understanding and skills acquired and developed in Components 1 and 2. Learners will apply developed skills in problem solving, design and communication to enable them to respond to engineering briefs.

A set task comprised of two parts worth 60 marks in total will be completed under supervised conditions. The supervised assessment period is two hours for Part 1 and one and a half hours for Part 2. Both parts of the set task are completed during a one-week period timetabled by Pearson. The assessment availability is February and May/June.

4 weeks before the supervised window, teacher instructions are provided in order to allow time for setting up the practical assessment. This is for teachers only and must be kept secure. 

You can access sample assessment materials and past papers from the links below. 

Published Resources

There is a useful student book, including an activebook version, and a revision guide available for this qualification from the publishers. There is also front of the class teaching resources to subscribe to. Access these from the link below:

Published resources for BTEC Tech Award in Engineering


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