Post-results services for BTEC qualifications in Performing Arts
Here you will find more information about the post-results services available for BTEC qualifications in Performing Arts.
Post-results services by unit
See which Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services are available to you and your learners by selecting the externally assessed units in your qualification.
BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Firsts in Performing Arts
Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services available for this unit include:
- Clerical Check (Service 1)
- Review of Marking (Service 2)
Access to Scripts services available for this unit include:
- Copy (ATSC)
- Original (ATSO)
- Post Review of Marking (ATSPE)
Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services available for this unit include:
- Clerical Check (Service 1)
- Review of Marking (Service 2)
BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Performing Arts
Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services available for this unit include:
- Clerical Check (Service 1)
- Review of Marking (Service 2)
- Review of Marking - Priority Service (Service P2)
Access to Scripts services available for this unit include:
- Copy* (ATSC)
- Post Review of Marking* (ATSPE)
* A photocopy of the examiner record sheet is available in lieu of Access to Scripts.
Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services available for this unit include:
- Clerical Check (Service 1)
- Review of Marking (Service 2)
- Review of Marking - Priority Service (Service P2)
Access to Scripts services available for this unit include:
- Copy* (ATSC)
- Post Review of Marking* (ATSPE)
* A photocopy of the examiner record sheet is available in lieu of Access to Scripts.
Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services available for this unit include:
- Clerical Check (Service 1)
- Review of Marking (Service 2)
- Review of Marking - Priority Service (Service P2)
Access to Scripts services available for this unit include:
- Copy* (ATSC)
- Post Review of Marking* (ATSPE)
* A photocopy of the examiner record sheet is available in lieu of Access to Scripts.
Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services available for this unit include:
- Clerical Check (Service 1)
- Review of Marking (Service 2)
- Review of Marking - Priority Service (Service P2)
Access to Scripts services available for this unit include:
- Copy* (ATSC)
- Post Review of Marking* (ATSPE)
* A photocopy of the examiner record sheet is available in lieu of Access to Scripts.
More information on post-results services
Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) and Access to Scripts (ATS) services come in a varied set of options and timelines. Make sure you select the correct service by considering all the options available to you and your learners.
Find out more about post-results services
In order for Pearson to provide an efficient service, it is essential that centres meet the deadlines and key dates for the relevant examination series.
Check key post-results dates for 2018 exam series
Fees for post-results services are set each year and will be calculated on the date that the request is submitted, not the date of the corresponding exam.
Find fees valid from 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019
You can now access ResultsPlus for BTEC Nationals. This service can help you keep track of each learner's achievement and provides a tool to analyse your learners' performance.
Register for free on ResultsPlus
![Paul Webster, Drama, Theatre Studies and Performing Arts subject advisor Paul Webster, Drama, Theatre Studies and Performing Arts subject advisor](/content/dam/demo/stuntcontent/images/support/support-for-you/subject-advisors/Paul_Webster_IMG_2385_crop.jpg)