May 2023 BTEC Performing Arts update | Pearson qualifications

May 2023 BTEC Performing Arts update

11 May 2023

Dear colleagues,

I do hope that this term is going well for you so far.

If you ever need to get in touch, please use my details below.

Here is your May 2023 update with all the latest news on our BTEC Performing Arts qualifications.

In this update you will find:

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Tech Award 22 16th May deadline extension

On 17th March, we wrote to all centres that have learners taking new 2022 Tech Awards assessments this summer to remind them of the option to request extensions, due to industrial action, which has reduced teaching and assessment time for the May series. We sympathise with all the pressures that learners and teachers are currently under and have been providing extensions based on these requests throughout the series.

Some centres have contacted us to ask for further extensions due to further industrial action and additional Bank Holidays. We can confirm, we will accept all submissions of learner marks and work up to the 16th May without the need for extension requests. Your submissions of learner marks and work made by this date will be moderated in time for results day (23rd August for centres and 24th August for learners).

Many centres have been able to work to the initial deadlines or are currently working to the extended deadlines, and we have seen submission of marks and work from centres, which is greatly appreciated. We urge you to continue to submit marks and work as soon as they are ready wherever possible, to support a timely moderation process for your centre.

If you are concerned that your centre will not be able to submit marks and learner work by 16th May, please contact us via the Pearson Support Portal.
When submitting your request please using the following classifications:

Request type – Coursework & Controlled/Internal Assessment
Category – Deadlines & Dates
Sub Category – Extension to Deadline

Go to the Support Portal


Pearson Performing Arts and Drama Podcasts

I recorded a series of conversations with the Principal Moderators for Components 1 and 2 about teaching and assessing the components. We hope that you find them useful. 

You can also access an in-depth conversation with the Lead Examiner for Component 3 too.

If you are interested in talking part in future podcasts or have suggestions on content you'd like to hear please do get in touch with me via my contact details below.

Pearson Performing Arts and Drama Podcasts

Tech Award 22 new Exemplar Standardisation Materials

We have brand new Exemplar Standardisation Materials (ESMs) for Components 1 and 2.

Componnent 1: this new range of support material across high and medium marks uses student work from the Jan 23 PSA using the theme 'beginnings' in dance and acting/performing arts covering:

  • Swan Song
  • Shadows
  • Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
  • Noughts and Crosses

Component 2: we have a high mark example of student work from the Jan 23 PSA using the theme 'destination' for acting/performing arts using the play:

  • DNA

We also have a range of high, medium and low mark examples for dance, performing arts and production design for both Components 1 and 2 in response to the Sample Assessment Materials. 

New Nationals Units 3 and 5 Sample Marked Learner Work

We have brand new sample marked learner work for Unit 3: Group Performance Workshop and Unit 5: Individual Performance Commission available.

Some really strong work across a range of discplines and styles. We hope you find these useful and inspiring!

Zoonation have released a new education pack to accompany their latest production, Sylvia. With contributions and guidance from BTEC teacher Rachel Howes, the pack contains a wealth of information and guidance that BTEC Tech Award and Nationals students will find useful.

Let's hope that the award winning show gets a further run in the West End or, better still, on national tour!

Speaking of which, Zoonation classic Message In a Bottle is on tour this year throughout the UK, and then across the world. You can find out more about the tour and the Zoonation education resources below

Message in a Bottle tour and pack

Ofqual student guide 2023

This guide provides students with information about this year’s arrangements for qualifications regulated by Ofqual. It also explains what support is in place when taking exams and assessments.

It's relevant for a student taking any of the following qualifications in 2023:

  • GCSEs
  • AS or A levels
  • other general qualifications, including International Baccalaureate, core mathematics and Pre-U
  • Technical Qualification (part of a T Level)
  • BTEC, Cambridge Technicals and other vocational and technical qualifications (VTQs) taken alongside GCSEs and A levels

Ofqual student guide 2023

Support and contact

Please feel free to get in touch, if you require any help or support in the teaching and assessment of our performing arts courses.
You can access contact details from the contact card below.


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