February 2015 update
This month’s update includes an examiner update, information on a new standardisation pack, moderator opportunities and support materials.
We'll also include information about:
GCSE and GCE Drama: examiner update
BTEC Firsts Performing Arts Unit 1 2014 feedback recording
GCSE Drama units 1 and 2 new standardisation pack for 2015
GCSE Drama moderator opportunities
2016 GCSE and GCE Drama specification update
GCSE and GCE Drama support materials
Creative Lighting Design 20th anniversary
GCSE and GCE Drama: examiner update
The majority of examiners for GCSE Drama unit 3 and GCE Drama and Theatre Studies unit 2 have now been allocated and are in the process of contacting centres.
The date(s) for the examination must be agreed between the centre and the examiner, so please have a range of dates available.
If you haven’t heard from an examiner by Friday 13th February, please contact us.
BTEC Firsts Performing Arts Unit 1 2014 feedback recording
To help teachers and students understand the requirements of Unit 1: Individual Showcase, there is now a feedback recording available from the 2014 exam series.
If you wish to view this recording, please contact us.
GCSE Drama units 1 and 2 new standardisation pack for 2015
To help teachers in the teaching and assessment of units 1 and 2 for GCSE Drama, there is a standardisation pack now available to download from the course materials of the Drama qualifications page.
The video recordings for this pack will be available, via secure download, by Friday 13 February.
GCSE Drama moderator opportunities
We're looking for moderators for GCSE Drama units 1 and 2.
To meet the requirements of the role, you will need to have a minimum of 1 year’s full time teaching experience of the relevant subject and level, have a degree or equivalent qualification and be a qualified teacher.
New GCSE and GCE Drama specifications for 2016
Pearson is currently developing the 2 specifications and will make them available for centres this summer, for first teaching September 2016. We will keep you informed about the development process through 2015.
As part of the specification development, we would like to hear your ideas for the front covers.'re are using origami designs (you may have seen them for the 2015 GCSE and GCE specifications) and would love to hear your ideas for Drama and Theatre.
The closing date has been extended to 20 February 2015.
GCSE Drama unit 3 support materials
To support you and your students with GCSE Drama unit 3, you can find 2 great examples of devised work from 2013 and 2014 on the course materials section of our Drama qualifications page under exam materials.
The 2014 version contains commentaries from the teacher and students, as well as a detailed overview from the chief examiner.
GCE Drama unit 2 support materials
To support you and your students with GCE Drama unit 2, section A, you can find a monologue and a duologue from 2014 on the course materials section of our Drama and Theatre Studies qualifications page under exemplar materials.
You can view both recordings of the performances and access the students’ Written Performance Concepts, examiner comments and marks awarded, by downloading the document.
There will be a section B recording, together with lighting and sound presentations, available during half term.
Creative Lighting Design 20th anniversary
Creative Lighting Design are celebrating their 20th anniversary in March. The company offer students and teachers practical workshops in lighting design. John Watson will provide a bespoke session according to the needs of your students.
Find out more about Creative Lighting Design's anniversary.
I hope that you've found this update useful.
Best wishes,