GCSE and A Level Drama 15 May 2017 Coursework Deadline
This update contains a summary of what you need to do by 15th May 2017 for your students being assessed on the legacy specifications GCSE Drama and A Level Drama and Theatre Studies this summer (2017).
This year we will no longer be sending out hard copy OPTEMS forms (optically scanned mark sheets) for you to submit controlled assessment marks. This means that all marks will need to be submitted online via Edexcel Online.
Important: You may need to amend your Edexcel Online access to allow you to submit controlled assessment marks online. To do this your Exams Officer will need to go into your Edexcel Online account and under ‘profiles’ tick the box next to ‘Coursework and Portfolio’. If they also tick the ‘Results’ box you will be able to view your E9 moderator report on results day.
After submitting marks online you should print out a copy of the marks for the moderator and a copy for your own records.
If you need to be set up with an Edexcel Online account please ask your exams officer.
If you’ve forgotten your Edexcel Online password you can generate a new one.
If you have already submitted a mark but it needs to be amended (eg because of an administrative error), please email courseworkmarks@pearson.com with details of the student and amended point score.
You are able to see the requested sample and submit the marks on Edexcel Online now.
In units 5DR01 and 5DR02, there are two papers:
Paper 01 is the practical assessment
Paper 02 is the controlled assessment written elements i.e. documentary response and response to live theatre
Paper 01: You select the students for moderation: this is a sample session from the six hour practical workshops. You select the top, bottom and three middle scoring students in the sample session.
Paper 02: Edexcel selects the students for moderation: the selected student is indicated on Edexcel Online with a tick next to the name. In addition, you must send the work of the student awarded the highest mark for the documentary response and response to live performance combined; and the work of the student awarded the lowest mark for the documentary response/response to live performance combined in the centre, if these are not already included within the initial samples selected.
Please refer to the guidance provided in the Administrative Support Guide.
Edexcel Online shows which candidates’ work is to be sampled for unit 6DR03. In addition, you must send the work of the candidate awarded the highest overall mark and the work of the candidate awarded the lowest overall mark, if these are not already included within the initial samples selected.
Please refer to the guidance provided in the Administrative Support Guide.
The final date for submitting GCSE Drama and A level Drama and Theatre Studies controlled assessment marks and samples of work for the summer 2017 series is 15 May 2017.
This is the date by which you must have submitted your controlled assessment marks to us via Edexcel Online, and have sent your sample of student work to the moderator. Please note that your Exams Officer will have their own internal deadlines.
Where a centre has been affected by circumstances beyond its control, it may, in exceptional cases, be possible for us to grant a short extension. Requests must be sent to the drama assessment team at drama.assessment@pearson.com.
Moderators are randomly allocated to centres. You will be able to find out your moderator’s name and address via Edexcel Online.
Your centre will receive a stationery order which will contain envelopes suitable for sending controlled assessment samples to the moderator
You should not attempt to grade the work. You should be marking the work by applying the marking criteria in a consistent manner.
The controlled assessment grades will be awarded at the end of each examination series using the standard code of practice awarding process.
Grade boundaries are available to download from results day from the grade boundaries page.
While moderating your centre's controlled assessment, the moderator will write an E9 report which will give you detailed feedback on your marking and administration. You or your Exams Officer will be able to download this report on results day.
I hope you have found this update useful. If you have any further questions, please contact me.