Getting ready for the summer 2017 Design and Technology exam series | Pearson qualifications

Getting ready for the summer 2017 Design and Technology exam series

12 March 2017

Read our reminder of the processes for preparing your students' work, the materials you need to send to the moderator and key dates for summer 2017 exam series.  

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Final date for submission of coursework/controlled assessment.

The final date for submitting your marks and samples of work for GCSE, GCE and ELC Design and Technology is 15 May 2017.

By this date, you must have:

  • submitted your coursework/controlled assessment marks to us via Edexcel Online or EDI
  • sent your sample (visible on Edexcel Online from mid-April) to the moderator
  • printed and included the confirmation of submitted marks with your sample to the moderator. 

Candidates whose work is required for sampling will be identified on Edexcel Online. Please note that even when the highest and lowest marked candidates are not identified as part of the sample, you should still include them in the sample you send to the moderator.

Your moderator’s name and address will be available on Edexcel Online from mid-April.

  • JCQ Instruction for conducting and assessing Coursework 2016-2017
  • JCQ instructions for conducting Controlled Assessment 2016-2017
  • JCQ Instruction for conducting and assessing Coursework 2016-2017
  • JCQ instructions for conducting Controlled Assessment 2016-2017
  • JCQ Instruction for conducting and assessing Coursework 2016-2017
  • JCQ instructions for conducting Controlled Assessment 2016-2017

Removal of OPTEMS

In order to help increase security, and also allow more time for centres to process and submit their centre assessed marks, from Summer 2017 we will only be allowing centres to submit those marks online; via Edexcel Online or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

  • you will be able to submit marks right up to the deadline
  • a reduction in the amount of paper being sent through the system, and stored in centres
  • it will eliminate the risk of OPTEMS being lost or damaged in the post
  • Edexcel Online will display the latest allocated moderator details, capturing any late changes

The only exception to this change will be for Entry Level Certificate (Academic) which will continue to have marks submitted via OPTEMS, as these qualifications are not on Edexcel Online.

Submitting coursework and controlled assessment marks on Edexcel Online

There is a helpful video guide and a document explaining the process of submitting marks on Edexcel Online.

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Each student's work should be accompanied by the relevant Candidate Assessment Booklet(CAB). Each sample of candidates work must be sent with the CAB. Photographic evidence must be attached. 

Use the links below to access the candidate assessment booklets for the qualifiation you need. 

Photographic evidence of completed outcome(s) for the Product Manufacture section must be attached to each CAB.

The outcomes must be clearly labelled with the candidate name, candidate number, centre name, centre number and unit code before being photographed.

The quality of the photography must be sufficient to enable moderators to see the completed project clearly and in detail.

The assessor witness statemet is incorporated in to the CAB. 

The assessor witness statement is used to support the assessor marks awarded for the selection and skilled use of tools, equipment and processes demonstrated during the Quality of Manufacture stage.

In large centres with multiple teachers, it's essential that you carry out internal moderation before you finalise the coursework or controlled assessment marks. You should sample double-mark, selecting mark points within the same band from different teaching sets. The double marking should continue until you are satisfied that you have achieved comparability.

Small schools with only one teacher need not carry out internal standardisation. It is helpful to include a covering note with your sample explaining that you are in this situation 

You should not attempt to grade the work; you should be marking the work by applying the marking criteria in a consistent manner.

The controlled assessment and coursework grades will be awarded at the end of each examination series using the standard code of practice awarding process.

Grade boundaries, which are subject to change each exam series, are published on the website on the grade boundaries page.

Please also remember that the mark you submit to us should be the total raw mark, not the UMS mark. The UMS marks are allocated by us as a result of the awarding process.

A score of zero should only be used if a candidate has submitted work that is found to meet none of the assessment criteria. An X should be used for any candidate who is absent.

Summer 2017 examination timetables for Design and Technology

Paper Code
Paper Title Duration




5EP02 01
Unit 2 : Knowledge And Understanding of Electronic Products 1h 30m 23-May-17 am
5FT02 01 Unit 2: Knowledge And Understanding of Food Technology 1h 30m 5-Jun-17 pm
5GR02 01 Unit 2: Knowledge And Understanding of Graphic Products 1h 30m 20-Jun-17 pm
5RM02 01 Unit 2: Knowledge And Understanding of Resistant Materials Technology 1h 30m  16-Jun-17 pm
5TT02 01 Unit 2: Knowledge And Understanding of Textiles Technology 1h 30m 23-May-17 am
Paper Code
Paper Title Duration




6FT02 01 Unit 2: Design and Technology in Practice (Food Technology) 1h 30m 22-May-17 am
6FT03 01  Unit 3: Food Products, Nutrition and Product Development (Food Technology) 2h 00m 9-Jun-17 am
6GR02 01  Unit 2: Design and Technology in Practice (Graphic Products) 1h 30m 22-May-17 am
6GR03 01  Unit 3: Designing for the Future (Graphic Products) 2h 00m  9-Jun-17 am
6RM02 01  Unit 2: Design and Technology in Practice (Resistant Materials Technology) 1h 30m 22-May-17 am
6RM03 01 Unit 3: Designing for the Future (Resistant Materials Technology) 2h 00m 9-Jun-17 am

Get the full examination timetables:

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I hope you've found this update useful. If you have any further questions about the submission of coursework, controlled assessment, or the examination please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Best wishes,


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