Update to the BTEC Tech Award in Construction and the Built Environment (2022) - Component 2 - Video evidence
We are pleased to confirm that from September 2023, the video evidence requirement for Component 2 assessment will be removed.
Component 2 - Construction in Practice - Video evidence
The requirement for video evidence for component 2 'Construction in Practice' has been removed from September 2023, following agreement with DfE.
This change has been made following feedback from centres about manageability concerns.
Instead, we will be requiring an observation record accompanied by photographs demonstrating skills applied during task taking. Centres will also need to provide photographic evidence of the completed product with records of the measurements and tolerances.
We have updated the ASG on pages 19 and 20 with this information and also with useful tips to conduct the videos for the current series (June 23), as the videos are still a requirement for this.
Subject advisor
Evren Alibaba
Construction, Planning and the Built Environment