International Advanced Level Science update | Pearson qualifications

International Advanced Level Science update

26 January 2016

Welcome back and wishing you a successful new year.

The purpose of this update is to bring you up to date with the current International Advanced Level (IAL) Biology, Chemistry and Physics specifications and the changes to them from September 2016.

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IAL Sciences

The IAL Biology, IAL Chemistry and IAL Physics specifications have just had their usual January sitting of all six units, and will be available for this summer 2016 sitting.

The entry deadline for the summer 2016 sitting is 21 March 2016.

For the relevant unit and cash-in codes when entering candidates, please prefer to the Pearson Edexcel International Manual.

IAL Biology

Next month I shall be writing to provide the date for the posting of the Unit 5 pre-release Scientific Article so that you can download this from the website, just as you do each year, to distribute to candidates before the Easter vacation to allow them to prepare for those questions on written Paper 5 in summer 2016.

To get a flavour of the different types of article and the style of questions asked, please visit Scientific Articles and past papers for Unit 5.

Planned changes from September 2016

There will now be an October sitting for IAL Biology, Chemistry and Physics because centres required this sitting to remain flexible with different academic calendars.

These changes have been introduced following consultation with centres, and have already been communicated in letters, news items on the website and in email updates.

For further details, visit October 2016 IAL sitting.

Practical option for IAL Chemistry and IAL Physics from January 2017 

After consultation with centres, an optional Unit 7 practical examination has been introduced to both subjects as an alternative to the existing Unit 6 written practical examination.

Please read details regarding the exciting changes, which have been published in Issue 3 of the IAL Chemistry and the IAL Physics specifications.

The IAL Biology was not considered appropriate for the introduction of a practical option because of the nature of the subject.

Resitting of AS and A2 units

Please also note that when units are re-sat, then the best score is carried forward to awarding.


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