WorkSkills Level 3 to be removed from Section 96 | Pearson qualifications

WorkSkills Level 3 to be removed from Section 96

Wed Apr 22 12:27:00 UTC 2015

We've heard from the Education Funding Agency that our Pearson Level 3 WorkSkills qualifications will be removed from Section 96.  

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This change will come into effect from 1 August 2015 and affects the following two qualifications: 

QAN Title
600/2291/7 Pearson BTEC Level 3 Award in WorkSkills (QCF)
600/2381/8 Pearson BTEC Level 3 Certificate in WorkSkills (QCF)

This change means that in England it will no longer be permitted to deliver these qualifications as part of Education Funding Agency Study Programmes for learners aged 16-18 in England. The change will apply to schools, FE colleges and private training providers delivering programmes to this age group.

The reason for the change is that section 96 approval will no longer be given for qualifications from any awarding organisation at level 3 that mainly or exclusively focus on personal skills. The Department for Education has now updated the published approval principles to this effect.


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