October 2016 WorkSkills update | Pearson qualifications

October 2016 WorkSkills update

Fri Oct 07 11:00:00 UTC 2016

We are still working hard to rectify the issue with Guided Learning Hours (GLH) allocated to the new WorkSkills suite of qualifications.  A solution has been identified and, as promised, it will be in place early in the New Year.

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In relation to this we are now able to update you with the following information:

New version availability

The date that the new version of WorkSkills will be available for registrations will be 1 February 2017. This additional month will allow time for funding rates to be confirmed and training at the start of the year.

Withdrawal of the existing WorkSkills qualifications

The existing 2011 WorkSkills qualifications will be extended for 1 month to 31 January 2017. We have had feedback that some centres require longer than 2 years for certification purposes. Therefore the certification end date will be extended to 31 August 2019. This means that any learners who are entered for WorkSkills qualifications will have two further full academic years to make final claims.

New qualification structure

We are not yet in a position to confirm the exact details in relation to qualification structure. However, the qualifications will be awarded using a rule of combination that is based on Guided Learning Hours rather than credits. We are not expecting that there will be any change to the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria of units but we are checking the Guided Learning Hour, to ensure that this is realistic for delivery.

How we will support you?

There will be a full support package to help centres with these changes. This will start with two webinars:

Training webinars and face to face training events will take place in December and January, including webinars for delegates who have previously attended training. We will communicate the details of these training events as soon as we have them.

We have already written a number of sample assignments that will be checked and made available to centres at the end of November. Further assignments, including those designed to support holistic delivery will be made available during January.


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