Support materials available now, and information on submitting your TAGs

Support materials available this summer.
Following a consultation on arrangements for assessing vocational and technical qualifications this summer the DfE confirmed in February that students will be able to receive a Teacher Assessed Grade for the Core Component of their T Level this summer.
Our support materials are now available and include the following:
- Specimen Assessment Materials* for both Core exams and Employer Set Project
- Core exams:
- A range of Topic Tests and Mark Schemes
- Grade Descriptors supported by Performance Indicators at A, C & E grade
- Employer Set Project:
- Additional Employer Set Project assessment (web release) with guidance
- Expanded mark-schemes with Lead Examiner commentary
- Grade Descriptors supported by Performance Indicators at grades A, C and E grade
- Guidance on grading
- Worked examples of grading
*Please note: our SAMs and AdSAMs have recently undergone some minor amendments, therefore please ensure you are using the most up to date versions.These are located on our Course Materials webpages found here:
Our T Level TAG Guidance summer 2021 page is now live, this provides you with further detail on the approach for the TAG process, the QA process, and the key dates.
For any questions or queries please visit our Provider FAQs
Provider support webinars
These will be our third set of events aimed at supporting you through the TAG process for summer 2021.
These events will give you the opportunity to discuss more in-depth the approach to collecting the range of evidence and an opportunity to discuss topics specific to your subject.
We hope, by the time the events run, you will have had the opportunity to review the support materials and think about the range of evidence you have available to you. You will also be able to use this session to ask questions about your approach.
Submission of TAGs
We will be sending Providers details of student entries for this Summer’s (cancelled) assessments, therefore those students requiring a Teacher Assessed Grade (TAG). Providers will receive this information to their Edexcel Online mailbox by Friday, 30 April. This mailbox could belong to the Point of Contact, Exams Officer, or Head of Centre – therefore please disseminate this information to your relevant colleague/s.
Please check that this information accurately reflects your students entered for the summer assessment and who you expect to give a TAG for. If there are student entries missing you must make an entry for them as soon as possible. If you have any entry related questions about the information, please direct them to
We will be in touch again during week commencing 24 May with the template to capture your TAGs.
Best regards,
The Pearson T Levels Team