Pearson First Aid at Work Qualifications
Two of our First Aid at Work EDI qualifications have been replaced with Pearson Edexcel qualifications.
The following two EDI qualifications expired on 31 July 2014:
600/7757/8 Pearson EDI Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work
600/7755/4 Pearson EDI Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work
They were replaced on 1 August 2014 with the following Pearson Edexcel qualifications:
601/1843/X Pearson Edexcel Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work
601/1842/8 Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work
Assessment Methods
Please note that with the introduction of the Pearson Edexcel versions, the knowledge component is no longer assessed through multiple choice tests.
Instead, learners are required to compile a portfolio of evidence showing how they have met the standard. The specification gives examples of appropriate types of evidence, for example outcomes from oral or written questioning or professional discussion. There is no change to the assessment of the competence component, i.e. learners will still be expected to undertake practical demonstrations.
Please note that the Requalification section in the Specification (page 9) contains an error. The correct information is as follows:
All first aid training certificates, whether FAW, EFAW or some other appropriate training, are valid for 3 years. Employers need to arrange retraining before certificates expire.
The FAW requalification course lasts 2 days and should cover the same content as the initial FAW course. If the first-aider does not retrain or requalify before the expiry date on their current certificate, they won't be considered competent to act as a first-aider in the workplace. They can requalify at any time after the expiry date by undertaking the two-day requalification course. However, it may be prudent to complete the three-day FAW course, especially where a considerable period – i.e. in excess of 1 month – has elapsed since the FAW certificate expired. It is for the employer to decide the most appropriate training course to requalify the first-aider.
An EFAW requalification course should be of the same duration and content as the initial EFAW course.