Updated clarification for learners on assignments and calculated grades | Pearson qualifications

Updated clarification for learners on assignments and calculated grades

Thu Apr 30 15:00:00 UTC 2020

We have received a number of queries from learners asking whether we expect assessment to continue whilst they study from home.

Our expectation is that centres will continue to provide teaching and learning of as much of the BTEC specification unit content as is possible and carry out teacher based assessments (e.g. worksheets, questions, activities  etc) to help prepare learners for the next stage of their journey.

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We do not expect learners to complete any formal BTEC Assignment Briefs for BTEC Level 3 Nationals, BTEC Level 1 and 2 Firsts and Tech Awards between mid-March and July. Instead, trainers will be asked to use a range of evidence to provide a centre assessed grade that will inform a Pearson calculation of grades for any missing BTEC Assignment Briefs for all learners  in Year 1 or 2 that were due to be assessed during this time.

During the lockdown period, we continue to support centres to enable learners to continue learning at home and progress to the next stage of their journey.

Learning at home has a number of benefits including giving structure to the day and supporting a learner's general health and wellbeing. It is also very important as it helps prepare learners for the next step of their journey, into further study, university, an apprenticeship or work.

At this time, we want to do everything we can to support you. Our work-based, adult and professional learner support page is updated daily with the latest news, advice, guidance and details of our free online resource offers that are available through your centre. If you have further questions please contact your course tutor.

Supporting work-based learners during COVID-19

Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time.

We will continue to keep you updated.

Best wishes,

Cindy Rampersaud

Senior Vice President, BTEC and Apprenticeships

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