Post-16 Level 3 and below qualification with low and no enrolments in work-based learning
Removal of ESFA funding
As a result of the first stage of the DfE’s review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England, the ESFA have announced the qualifications with low- or no-funded enrolments that will have post-16 funding removed after 31 July 2021.
What does this mean for you?
In total, 196 post-16 Pearson qualifications offered by work-based learning providers in England are affected.
In some cases, the qualifications have alternative qualifications either available or in development.
Where the removal of funding would have an adverse impact on specific individuals or work-based learning providers, or on specific occupational or geographical areas, we will be submitting requests to retain public funding in line with the ESFA process. The deadline for awarding bodies to make requests to retain funding is Friday 27 March 2020.
View the full list of affected qualifications
See below for more information.
If you’d like to talk to us about any of the affected qualifications, please contact us.
As a result of the first stage of the DfE’s review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England, the ESFA have announced the qualifications with low- or no-funded enrolments that will have funding removed from 31 July 2021. The ESFA have published the announcement, along with the full list of qualifications affected.
The DfE refers to this removal of funding as ‘securing early progress’ towards a simpler post-16 vocational system before the next stage of the review is released in spring/summer 2020. In the next stage, the DfE will say more about the criteria that will be used to manage the funding approval of all post-16 level 3 and below qualifications in the future. We expect the changes to the funding approval of qualifications to take place from September 2023 onwards, in line with the rollout of T Levels.
The qualifications affected are all post-16, vocational qualifications, at level 3 and below, and currently have low- or no-funded enrolments.
Funding approval will be removed for qualifications taken by 16 to 18-year-olds on study programmes, and those aged 19+ funded under the Adult Education Budget, the European Social Fund (ESF), or accessing Advanced Learner Loans.
Funding will be removed by the ESFA after 31 July 2021.
Yes, in some cases, qualifications that will have funding removed already have suitable alternatives either available or in development.
The ESFA are aware that there may be valid reasons why a qualification that has low or no enrolments should continue to receive public funding. They have, therefore, also published a process for awarding organisations to make a case for the qualification where funding needs to be retained.
Awarding organisations can make a case for funding to remain where we can show that:
- the number of funded learners taking these qualifications will increase
- or the removal of funding will have an adverse impact on
i) students
ii) providers
iii) the subject or occupational sector
iv) or a geographical area/local authority or combined mayoral authority
Please see the contact details below for how to get in touch to help us retain funding for any qualifications you would like to continue to offer. If you would like to help us, please get in touch by Friday 13 March 2020.
The deadline for awarding bodies to appeal to retain funding is Friday 27 March 2020.
The removal of funding does not apply to qualifications taken as part of apprenticeship frameworks. Apprenticeship frameworks will be withdrawn by 31 July 2020. For support in delivering apprenticeship frameworks with Pearson, before the move to standards, please see our dedicated website.
The removal of funding does not apply to qualifications taken as part of apprenticeship standards. You can continue to deliver mandated and non-mandated qualifications that complement the delivery of your standards. For support in delivering apprenticeship standards with Pearson please see our dedicated website.
A number of post-16 Pearson qualifications offered by work-based learning providers in England are affected by the announcement.
The ESFA announcement applies to funded provision in England only. We will inform you, as usual, if we withdraw any provision you offer with us in Wales and Northern Ireland.
If you have any questions about the list, or would like to get in touch to support a case to retain funding approval, please contact us.
The deadline for awarding bodies to appeal to retain funding is Friday 27 March 2020.