Availability of assessment materials from Pearson | Pearson qualifications

Availability of assessment materials from Pearson

3 July 2013

What services this relates to:

  • Past papers
  • Mark schemes
  • Examiner reports

What is changing?

We listened to your feedback about the accessibility of our past papers and mark schemes on our website and we’ve made some important changes which we think you are going to like.

We’ve released a free past paper app that now enables all customers to download Edexcel papers by qualification and subject. We’ve also changed the way you can search for papers on our website. We believe that the changes we’ve made to the service will make finding these documents a lot easier for you.

As from 19 July, Pearson will no longer supply hard copies of any of these documents. This means that papers for Summer 2013 will be available for download only.

How will this affect me?

If you would like to obtain a past paper or mark scheme, then please visit our page to download these for free. Alternatively, download our free past paper app.

Examiner reports are available on our Qualifications pages.

Please note that all past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports for exams sat within the last nine months are available only to authorised staff within centres who can access these with their Edexcel Online login. Examinations officers will be able to provide teachers with login details so that they can access this material. 

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