Minor changes to 4EA1 specification and International GCSE anthology for 4ET1 | Pearson qualifications

Minor changes to 4EA1 specification and International GCSE anthology for 4ET1

1 October 2020

There are some minor amendments to the following documents:

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Issue 3 and 4 anthology for International GCSE English Language A and English Literature

We have updated the anthology specifcation. In issue 3, there have been some minor changes to two poems in Part 3 (Poem at Thirty-Nine and Half-caste). These affect candidates sitting English Literature (4ET1). In issue 4, there has been a minor change to poem The Bright Lights of Sarajevo. This affects candidates sitting English Language A (4EA1).

Download the anthology specifcation (PDF | 815KB)

Issue 3 specification for International GCSE English Language A

We have updated the English Language A specification to remove a suggested coursework title. 

Download the English Language A specification (PDF |1.2MB)

We recognise that you may have been teaching using the second issue of the specification and anthology since January 2018 when we last informed you of some amendments.

Learn more about the Amendments to International GCSE English Language A 4EA1 (9-1)

We would like to reassure you that no candidate will be disadvantaged as a result of these changes in the January 2020 assessment. After January 2020, we will expect students’ responses to reflect the issue 3 documents. 

If you have any questions about these changes, please contact us.


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