An update on how we're supporting you during Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Pearson qualifications

An update on how we're supporting you during Coronavirus (COVID-19)

26 March 2020

Following the UK Government’s announcement that UK Colleges would close and exams would not be held in May and June, our focus has been on supporting you and your learners to achieve their qualifications to progress into further study or employment.

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We are continuing to work closely with the Department for Education, other awarding bodies and Ofqual following the statement on vocational and technical qualifications in 2020 published on 25 March by Ofqual. We will share more information with you as soon as it becomes available to ensure you and your learners are provided with the information you need on how BTEC qualifications will be assessed and awarded as quickly as possible.

Ofqual have also released a further update on 2020 GCSEs, AS and A levels exams. They will outline by Easter the process that will be followed for GCSEs, AS and A levels to make sure grades are fair across schools and colleges, as well as the proposals for appeals. They will also say more as soon as possible about the arrangements for additional exams in the new academic year. 

We want to make sure we are doing everything we can to best support you and your learners at this time. Our supporting the Further Education sector page is updated daily with news, advice and guidance and free online resource offers to enable learning to continue for the rest of the academic year- Supporting the Further Education sector during Coronavirus (Covid-19)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our FE centre support team on 0845 373 0114 or at

Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time. We will continue to keep you updated.

Best wishes,
Cindy Rampersaud

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